500,- Euro

  • Evaluation of the website
  • Establishment of the sales platforms
  • Assistance with the shop setup (payment methods, shipping, WAVI)
  • Rough marketing concept
  • Telephone support

Labor value once: 10 hours

Premium *
600,- € monthly.

  • Evaluation of the website
  • Establishment and maintenance of the sales platforms
  • Active help with shop setup (payment methods, shipping, WAVI)
  • Help with setting up and maintaining products
  • Marketing concept
  • Help with the implementation of the marketing concept
  • Telephone support

Labor value once: 15 hours

Fullsupport *
1.500 € monthly

  • Evaluation of the website
  • Establishment and maintenance of the sales platforms
  • Setup and maintenance of price search engines
  • Active help with shop setup and maintenance (payment methods, shipping, WAVI)
  • Help with setting up and maintaining products
  • Marketing concept
  • Coordination of the marketing plan
  • Supervision of SEO measures
  • Adwords marketing support
  • Support for influencer marketing
  • Supervision of product tests
  • Supervision of marketing measures
  • Classifieds markets
  • Press releases
  • Help with blog and landing page marketing

Labor value once: 50 hours

Premium and full support include the services of the basic package.

All prices refer to the advisory and coordinating service.

The minimum term is 6 months.